Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What is @wordassociation?

@wordassociation is a twitter account for playing what will hopefully be a kick-ass, on-going game of Word Assoctiation.

Word Associtation has traditionally been a one-to-one scenario. Someone says a word and everyone responds by saying what that word makes them think of.

dog = shepard
dog = cat
dog = cook-out

What I am proposing instead is a stream-of-conciousness Word Association.

dog = shepard
shepard = Little Bo Peep
Little Bo Peep = fairy tales

This means your word associtation can go on indefinetely, in an category or idea that a person has.

Which leads me to the "rules".
  1. It doesn't have to be a single word, it can be a phrase. The twitter character limit of 140 will keep you in line.
  2. Don't be excessivly dirty. If you want to go all smut, all the time go create @dirtywordassociation
  3. Don't be excessivly clean. That's just boring.
  4. Please start all associations with a reply (@wordassociation) and the last word you're using for association.
    Ex. @wordassociation fairy tales = boring
  5. The person who posts first gets the association. If someone posts on the same word after someone else their word doesn't count.

Questions? Post 'em if you got 'em.

For the record I'm hoping that we can keep one association going for a long time but if not we can try a new association every day or do the traditional one-to-one association. Is this silly? Hell yeah, but I think that makes it right up twitters alley and I'm excited to see what we get. And very, very curious...

1 comment:

  1. Phrases are too easy... I think it's much more fun and creative to stick to a single word.
